It has been over fifty years since the Nixon administration attempted to bug the headquarters of the Democratic Party in the Watergate Hotel. Nixon was about to win the general election against George McGovern in what can accurately be described as a landslide. Electoral Votes 520 to 17. Popular vote…
Author: sensiblemajority

A Parking Spot That Saved Our Democracy
Memories of the Watergate Scandal have grown dim. I came of age in the 70’s and Watergate was a central event in my understanding of what it meant to be an American. My association with it grew even stronger when in 1976 my Mother moved into an apartment in the…

There are basic differences between a Government and a Corporation. Corporations The only goal of a corporation is to provide SHAREHOLDER VALUE. That is the mantra of the Business Roundtable. This organization consists of the Chief Executives of 200 corporations. They boast that they contribute to almost one fourth of U.S….

Margaret Chase Smith: The Four Horsemen of Calumny
I believe it is time to include not only the wisdom of our Founders on this site but to also include what I will call The Preservers. Men and women who in times of great peril stood up for Constitutional Values. Today is not the first time this country has…

These is an age old saying which I hesitate to credit to any one source, but it goes, “There are lies, damn lies and then there are statistics.” I studied graduate level statistical analysis for two years and God help me I enjoyed it. I try to resist the temptation…

It may surprise the average American to know that in 1980 there were 2.9 million Federal Employees. Today 45 years later the Federal Work Force consists of 3 million employees. During this time the U.S. population has grown from 226 million citizens to 334 million. Our Gross Domestic Product has…

Acronyms are used to shorten the names of organizations. It is a shorthand so we can identify them easily. It dehumanizes them. Their full names are closely associated with their function. And their function is what sensible governance strives to do. Help citizens lead better lives. We are hearing these…

It is that time of year again. Super Bowl! Kansas City versus Philadelphia. The game will be played in New Orleans. Hard to believe that this is the 59th Super Bowl and I have been alive for each one. Kansas City was in the first Super Bowl and lost to…

DEI is an acronym that we see a lot in the news today. For the acronym impaired it stands for Diversity Employment Initiative. For some it is a plan to discriminate against more qualified (usually white) applicants in favor of less qualified members of subgroups like Blacks, Latinos, oh and…

When Empires Fall
Years ago, Henry Kissinger is quoted as saying, “As a historian, you have to be conscious of the fact that every civilization that has ever existed has ultimately collapsed.” It is a disturbing fact that flies in the face of America’s optimism. Kissinger reassured us “as a historian, one has…