There are basic differences between a Government and a Corporation. Corporations The only goal of a corporation is to provide SHAREHOLDER VALUE. That is the mantra of the Business Roundtable. This organization consists of the Chief Executives of 200 corporations. They boast that they contribute to almost one fourth of U.S….
Category: Opinions
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It may surprise the average American to know that in 1980 there were 2.9 million Federal Employees. Today 45 years later the Federal Work Force consists of 3 million employees. During this time the U.S. population has grown from 226 million citizens to 334 million. Our Gross Domestic Product has…

DEI is an acronym that we see a lot in the news today. For the acronym impaired it stands for Diversity Employment Initiative. For some it is a plan to discriminate against more qualified (usually white) applicants in favor of less qualified members of subgroups like Blacks, Latinos, oh and…

When Empires Fall
Years ago, Henry Kissinger is quoted as saying, “As a historian, you have to be conscious of the fact that every civilization that has ever existed has ultimately collapsed.” It is a disturbing fact that flies in the face of America’s optimism. Kissinger reassured us “as a historian, one has…

It Is Still The Stupid Economy
Truth be told Presidents don’t have that much control over the economy. They get the blame when it is bad. They rarely get the credit when it is good. We are about to pass the baton to a new administration that promises a very different approach. So lets look at…

Net Neutrality: The Pipes vs The Swipes
I’ll bet if you ask anyone on Facebook or Instagram what is Net Neutrality they would not have a clue. I am not sure I understand it fully but given the recent court opinion that invalidated the law that created it. It might be worth a look. The best way…

1946 to 1964 the Baby Boom generation came into being. An incredible burst of procreation after the apostasy of the Second World War.

Money Talks Democracy Walks
It was one of the founding principles of the Constitution that too much power in the hands of a single institution or person is a bad thing. Our Founders came of age in the era of powerful kings who by divine right could exert their authority absent the consent of…

Health Care in the USA or The Martyrdom of Brian Thompson
Brian Thompson was in all likelihood a fine man, good to his family and an ethical presence in the midst of his corporate culture. His brutal murder has been met with an outpouring of public comments that in summary sounds like “It serves him right.” It appears that this event…

2024 Election: What Happened?
The second guessing has been going on in earnest since last week’s election. There are a couple of trends that are getting overwhelmed by the minutiae and the feeling of “How Could This Happen”. Cursed with a graduate level understanding of statistics a couple of things stand out to me….